Welcome The 'Belgium Bunkers on the Air' Website

ONBOTA is a thrilling Amateur Radio activity that combines exploration,
historical appreciation, and radio communication in a unique and adventurous way.


We now have 1370 bunkers in our ONBOTA BunkerList !

(more bunkers will be added to the list)

If the bunker is not on the list :
First Check our KML file on Google-earth, (this one is updated frequently)
and make shure that it is not on the list.
Try to retrieve the Name of the Bunker ,
Adress (or the name of the street closest to the bunker),
Longitude and Latitude (in googlemaps format) , Grid,
the postal code, and the name of the City or Municipality.

Then GO TO the

Once we have received the request,
we will assign a new ONBOTA bunker reference to the respective bunker.
Only If the bunker is added to the list ,
the bunker is approved and can be activated !

Rules :

● All actual present war bunkers, war shelters, are eligible to be activated.

● Please note that the bunker can only be activated portable or mobile.
You must stay within a maximum radius of 1km when activating a bunker.

● If you activate a bunker,
send the ADIF / Activators Excelsheet (filled out) to:  onbunkers@gmail.com
along with a photo taken on site showing the coords of your location,
(For example with the GPSMap app that shows the coordinates on the picture)

● To make a valid ONBunker-activation , you need to work at least 25 stations
It doesn't matter how long it takes. If you are unable to make 25 contacts in one day,
you can continue your activation the next day, or even the following week or month.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to send me a Email !

Our admins are busy to create a kml and gpx file, this one will be added soon on this page.


● As an Activator You may submit a maximum of 5 bunkers a day !


● You can activate ON-BOTA on all legal frequency's and modes.


● Activating Bunkers via Repeater(s) is NOT PERMITTED.



Hints for Activators :

If you cant use Excel, or a Logprogram
please contact me in advance, and we will try to find a solution for you.


For activators We recommend to use the

In the Polo-app under section Bunkers on the air you can select
the B/ON bunker(s) for your activation.
(remember max. 5 each day)

Ofcourse you can also download The Excel Activators Logsheet.
(Visit the download-section on top of this page)



2024 Awards for Hunters :

There will be a Bronze Award for 10 belgium bunkers worked ,
Silver Award for 20 belgium bunkers worked
Gold Award for 50 belgium bunkers worked

Diamond Award for 100 belgium bunkers worked
Ruby Award for 250 belgium bunkers worked


ONBOTA Hunters can download the Huntertracker
in the Download-section on Top of this Page

In The huntertracker keep track of your worked bunker references.
If you have enough references for an Award,
please forward the completed HunterTracker to:




2024 AWARDS for Swl :

There will be a Bronze Award for correct listening reports of 10 belgium bunkers,
Silver Award for correct listening reports of 20 belgium bunkers
Gold Award for correct listening reports of 50 belgium bunkers
Diamond Award for correct listening reports of 100 belgium bunkers
Ruby Award for correct listening reports of 250 belgium bunkers


ONBOTA SWL's can download the SWL Tracker
on top of this Page in the Download Section
In The SWL-tracker keep track of your correct
SWL Rapports and bunker references.
If you have enough references for an Award,
please forward the completed SWLTracker to:




2024 AWARDS for Activators :

There will be a Bronze Award for 5 belgium bunkers activated.
Silver Award for 10 belgium bunkers activated.
Gold Award for 20 belgium bunkers activated.

Diamond Award for 50 belgium bunkers activated.

Ruby Award for 100 belgium bunkers activated.


B2B-AWARDS for Activators :
(Valid B2B =
Log between Belgium Bunker and Belgium Bunker

Log between Belgium Bunker and International WWBunker)

There will be a Bronze Award for 5 B2B-bunkers worked.
Silver Award for 10 B2B-bunkers worked.
Gold Award for 20 B2B-bunkers worked.

Diamond Award for 50 B2B-bunkers worked.

Ruby Award for 100 B2B-bunkers worked.

Send a request for this B2B-award to




We hope you will enjoy the hunt or activation.

Goodluck !

To request an Activator Award , please forward the




with your callsign and references of bunkers you have activated to :







Awards will be sended after Request.

Send your Award Request to :




(updated 14/08/2024)




From now on you can also find ONBOTA by visiting the


 Bos Outdoor shack


This also means that we can place our activations there in the agenda.
You can announce an ONBOTA Activation in 3 ways: (method 3 is preferred)

1. Send an email with the data to



2. Go to the page




and send an email with the data from there (NEW TOPIC button)

3. PREFERRED method

Go to



and CLICK in the calendar on the day of the planned activation > window to enter new activity opens
- Enter EVENT NAME (e.g. B/ON-0001 by O3MOH/P)
- Check ALL DAY and now enter the UTC time
- Enter Location: B/ON-0001
- Enter Organizer Name: ON3MOH
- Choose EVENT COLOR : ONBOTA B/ON = dark purple ONFF=green BCA=orange SOTA=red BLHA=blue
- Enter any additional information in Description
- Click on the green button "+Add Event & Invite Group"
This way, your planned activity is listed in the AGENDA and an email is sent with your planned activity information to ALL members.
We would like to thank the Bos outdoor shack for this collaboration.
ON3MOH ONBOTA Coordinator



Coordinator & Award Manager

ON3MOH (Hans) 


Reference Manager

ON3DWG (Guy)




copyright 2024 Hans Moreau


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